Classroom Management, Classroom Structure, Education, High School, Middle School, Secondary ELA, Secondary English, Teaching, Texas

How Do You Get Them To Do That?- Real Talk About Secondary Classroom Management

At least once a school year a teacher will come into my classroom to deliver a message or ask a question, whatever. Then later, they will ask me, "Were your students in trouble?" "No." "Then why were they so quiet?" "Because I asked them to work silently." "That's it?" Yep. That's it. Until recently I… Continue reading How Do You Get Them To Do That?- Real Talk About Secondary Classroom Management

bloggers, Education, Humor, Middle School, Secondary ELA, Secondary English, Teaching, Texas, Uncategorized

Finding the Right Match- Going through the interview process

It's hard to interview when there are no applicants! Let me tell you a little about my wonderful school. We are the middle school campus of a charter school. We have about 500 kids in 6th-9th grades, and we cap most of our classes at 25, but we've had to go as high as 27.… Continue reading Finding the Right Match- Going through the interview process

Classroom, Education, High School, Humor, Middle School, Sarcasm, Secondary ELA, Secondary English, Self reflection, Teacher Tribe, Texas, Uncategorized

Yep, I’m THAT Teacher- Type A, All the Way!

A teacher friend of mine share a Bored Teachers post called "14 Types of Teachers You're Sure to Find in Any School". She posted the numbers that described her, and I did the same. Just so you know, I'm 1, 5, and 11. Sometimes 7. So yeah, I'm THAT teacher. Let me explain with a… Continue reading Yep, I’m THAT Teacher- Type A, All the Way!

Education, Humor, Middle School, Sarcasm, Secondary ELA, Secondary English, student needs, Teacher, Teaching, Teaching tools, Texas, Uncategorized

Oh, look! It’s a brand new baby…curriculum! It must be adoption time, huh?

Adopting a new textbook is a wonderful time in a school family's life. Just think- you're seeing this brand new baby curriculum in all its sales pitch glory. Shiny new boxes with video screens. Bags, backpacks, crisp, new books and consumables, online platforms- it's enough to make any teacher's head spin! Look at this one!… Continue reading Oh, look! It’s a brand new baby…curriculum! It must be adoption time, huh?

Education, Middle School, Poetry, Secondary ELA, Secondary English, Teacher, Teachers Pay Teachers, Teaching Poetry, Texas, Uncategorized

Poetry, Poetry, Poetry!- Celebrate National Poetry Month

April is National Poetry Month, as every good English educator knows, and I wanted to celebrate by sharing my students' work. Those are the best kinds of posts, right? Seeing the culmination of your instruction and their hard work is inspiring! For this particular project- Poetry Project: Exploring Poetic Forms- the students choose from a… Continue reading Poetry, Poetry, Poetry!- Celebrate National Poetry Month